Tyskland Grossist gummi och derivat Europages



In 1994, the Danish subsiduary WILLBRANDT Gummiteknik ApS opened in Bjæverskov with Aage Christensen as director. In 2005 Johnny Anekjær was appointed the new CEO. WILLBRANDT är specialist inom tekniska gummidetaljer inkluderat polyuretan. Vi saluför kända varumärken som GMT, Contitech, Megi, Rotafrix, Cavoflex, elBe, Triflex, men utvecklar och producerar lika ofta kundunika specialprodukter. Våra främsta produktområden är vibrations- och chockdämpning, kompensatorer i gummi, stål och väv, gummiprofil och –formdelar samt slitdelar i Profiler/lister från WILLBRANDT Gummiteknik den 25 augusti 2020 08:26 | Medlemsnyhet | Företag Willbrandt Gummiteknik A/S WILLBRANDT utvecklar och tillverkar kundanpassade lösningar enligt kravspecifikation eller befintliga prov WILLBRANDT är en av Europas ledande leverantörer. Vi levererar för alla ändamål och alla industrier.

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Wir bieten Lösungen! WILLBRANDT GUMMITECHNIK / Branches WILLBRANDT Company Profile (English) - W00101. by mail. by PDF. WILLBRANDT Railway Technology (German/English) - W00301.

Produkte [32/33] - Die Armaturenfabrik

Om Willbrandt gummiteknik A/S. WILLBRANDT Gummitechnik KG grundades den 8 juli 1892 i Hamburg, Tyskland. Under 1994 öppnar den danska avdelning  Willbrandt Gummiteknik är specialister inom gummi och gummi-metall detaljer och trivs i rollen som både handels-, produktions- og ingenjörsfirma, som  Willbrandt KG - Schwingungs-, Schwingungs-, Auslegung, Willbrandt KG, Hannover SCHWINGMETALL® Gummi-Metall-Verbindungen. Willbrandt Gummitechnik is not responsible for the contents of these sites.

Willbrandt Gummiteknik A/S - Metal Supply NO

Sortuj:. WILLBRANDT Gummitechnik has for decades consistently specialised in elastomer products and is renowned among its customers worldwide as a competent  17. apr 2020 dansk datterselskab til den tyske handels-, produktions- og ingeniørvirksomhed WILLBRANDT Gummitechnik KG. Virksomheden rådgiver og   WILLBRANDT à MOISSY-CRAMAYEL (77550) RCS, SIREN, SIRET, bilans, statuts, chiffre d'affaires, dirigeants, cartographie, alertes, annonces légales,  Kompensator Typ 50 Gummi. Frage zu diesem Produkt. Kategorie: Kompensatoren. Hersteller: Willbrandt Gummitechnik  6. dec 2018 Willbrandt Gummiteknik er datterselskab af tyske Willbrandt Gummitechnik, hvis historie går 125 år tilbage.

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Wir bieten Lösungen! WILLBRANDT Gummiteknik A/S is a trading, manufacturing and engineering company providing rubber and steel compensators and rubber or plastic products within vibration, noise and oscillation damping. WILLBRANDT Gummitechnik has for decades consistently specialised in elastomer products and is renowned among its customers worldwide as a competent problem solver and supplier. WILLBRANDT has been supporting the market for vibration and shock technology for many decades and offers tailor-made technical solutions. WILLBRANDT Gummiteknik, which is a subsidiary of WILLBRANDT Gummitechnik KG in Hamburg, has increased revenue significantly in 2019 and also had a better result in 2019 than in 2018, which was the company’s record year, compared with previous years. Willbrandt Kg at GUMMITECHNIK,SCHNACKENBURGALLEE 18022525 HAMBURGGERMANY.
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Requirements: BUREAU VERITAS Rules for the Classification of Steel Ships. BUREAU VERITAS  DN32, DN32 PN10, DIN EN 1092-1, 100, 140, M16, 4, 100, 16, 79, 110, 3.0. 06.5921.1040, Stk, •, Bitte Menge eingeben. Wait.

2005 gick Aage Christensen i pension och Johnny Anekjær utsågs till direktör. Willbrandt Gummitechnik ist ein renommierter Hersteller und Lieferant für Produkte der Antriebs- und Schwingungstechnik. Wir bieten Lösungen!
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W I L L B R A N D T G u m m i t e c h n i k - Coudes de tuyaux

In addition to numerous standard products, many customised product solutions are used in their respective applications after their development and successful test phase. axel.poehlmann@willbrandt.de.

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juli 1892 i Hamborg, Tyskland.

W I L L B R A N D T G u m m i t e c h n i k - Coudes de tuyaux

Schwingungstechnik. Kompensatoren. Lärmschutzsysteme. Profile und Formteile. Antriebselemente. Spezialdichtungen. Gummi für Schiff  8.

In 1994, the Danish subsiduary WILLBRANDT Gummiteknik ApS opened in Bjæverskov with Aage Christensen as director. In 2005 Johnny Anekjær was appointed the new CEO. WILLBRANDT The Expansion Joint Catalogue - Rubber (English) - K20101. Download by PDF. Request catalogue. Our wide range of rubber expansion joints (20 types) in 8 Willbrandt Gummitechnik ist ein renommierter Hersteller und Lieferant für Produkte der Antriebs- und Schwingungstechnik. Wir bieten Lösungen! WILLBRANDT Gummiteknik A/S is a trading, manufacturing and engineering company providing rubber and steel compensators and rubber or plastic products within vibration, noise and oscillation damping. WILLBRANDT Gummitechnik has for decades consistently specialised in elastomer products and is renowned among its customers worldwide as a competent problem solver and supplier.