BEA core facility - Karolinska Institutet


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Please read more about The Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory Program and Bioinformatics drop-in. The conference will be held at Science for Life Laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden the 21st to 23rd of August 2014.The PRIB precedes the ICPR, which will be held at a different location in Stockholm in August.Check out the detailed program and our keynote and tutorial speakers through the menu above. The proceedings are now online via Lecture Notes in Computer Science, and some of the contribution Education that enables the science of the future Courses and workshops SciLifeLab offer educational courses and workshops for PhD students, postdocs, investigators and other employees within all Swedish universities. The courses and workshops cover … Bioinformatics Long-term Support WABI [Technology development] Bioinformatics Support, Infrastructure and Training [Technology development] Year 2015. PubMed DOI Crossref. Assessing the consistency of public human tissue RNA-seq data sets.

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Genotyping-by-sequencing without prior genome information. Our in-house RAD-Seq pipeline for quality control of RAD-seq libraries. RAD-seq allows for deep yet sparsely sampled sequencing of many individuals in a highly multiplexed manner, where typical Introduction to Bioinformatics Using NGS Data. 2015 February - Uppsala 2015 May - Gothenburg 2015 September - Uppsala 2015 November - Lund 2016 January - Uppsala 2016 April - Linköping 2016 September - Uppsala 2016 November - Umeå 2017 January - Uppsala 2017 May - Gothenburg 2017 September - Lund 2017 November - Uppsala 2018 February - Uppsala A curated list of useful and actively maintained projects at SciLifeLab. You can find code ranging from simple bioinformatics resources and general programming tools right through to … Runs with illumina total RNA-sequencing data. Aligns to the reference genome, gives QC metrics and finishes with gene count matrices. RNA-Seq is a bioinformatics analysis pipeline used for RNA sequencing data.

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The Bioinformatics support at BEA includes assist with the design and analysis of next generation sequencing experiments. BEA provides consultation services for experimental design, analysis strategy, statistical considerations, price enquire and general help to select the appropriate analysis method. Many of BEA members have long experience in SciLife Lab Stockholm; Tools of Science; Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Life Sciences(BILS) ©2009 BEA. Last Modified: October 2018 BEA offers bioinformatic support for various microarray platforms, including arrays for gene expression, miRNA expression, methylation and cytogenetics. All bioinformatic services are free of charge.

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The support is fully subsidized and free of charge, but extensive hands-on involvement is required by the applying research groups. Note that a part of this call will focus on NBIS will enable world-class life science by providing expert knowledge, creative data integration, advanced training, efficient data publication and access to high-performance data and analysis methods. NBIS will continue coordinating bioinformatics support within Sweden and make bioinformatics easily accessible for life science researchers. It then produces a set of partially-phased primary contigs and fully-phased haplotigs which represent divergent haplotypes. The recommended coverage for genome assembly based on read type: CLR – 30-50X unique molecular coverage per haplotye.

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If you work on a project granted support, but lack an access to the wiki pages for the project, please ask your contact in the support team.
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Many of BEA members have long experience in SciLife Lab Stockholm; Tools of Science; Bioinformatics Infrastructure for Life Sciences(BILS) ©2009 BEA. Last Modified: October 2018 BEA offers bioinformatic support for various microarray platforms, including arrays for gene expression, miRNA expression, methylation and cytogenetics. All bioinformatic services are free of charge. A basic analysis is always included, and for additional services (see … Bioinformatics 26 (13) 1595-1600 [2010-07-01; online 2010-05-18] NGI Stockholm (Genomics Applications) NGI Stockholm (Genomics Production) National Genomics Infrastructure SciLifeLab Data Centre National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden (NBIS) constitutes the SciLifeLab Bioinformatics platform. NBIS is a distributed infrastructure with staff at six sites (Göteborg, Linköping, Lund, Stockholm, Uppsala, and Umeå), providing a range of services to support life sciences in Sweden, as summarized below. The SciLifeLab Bioinformatics platform ( NBIS) organizes weekly drop-in sessions in Lund, Göteborg, Linköping, Stockholm, Uppsala, and Umeå.

Feb 6, 2020 Ola Spjuth presenting at SciLifeLab Chemical Biology Seminar Series a presentation at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm in the SciLifeLab Chemical Biology Seminar Series. Pharmaceutical Bioinformatics Research Group Mar 27, 2020 Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab) invites proposals from tools and data/ bioinformatic capabilities or work that will facilitate and support  Oct 22, 2020 In response to Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation's recent funding announcement of SEK 3.1 billion to advance Data-Driven Life Science,  Bioinformatics Data Analyst drug repositioning in the Sonnhammer Lab at SciLifeLab in conjunction with Torbjörn Nordling at National Cheng Kung University.
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Workshops in advanced and applied bioinformatics NBIS –the Bioinformatics Platform Distributed research infrastructure with nodes at the 6 large university towns The Swedish node in ELIXIR, the European infrastructure for bioinformatics Staff: ~75 full-time equivalents Funding from: The SciLifeLab Bioinformatics platform (NBIS) organizes weekly drop-in sessions in Lund, Göteborg, Linköping, Stockholm, Uppsala, and Umeå. Bioinformatics experts are then available to discuss your bioinformatics needs, free of charge. You can find the upcoming scheduled events on the NBIS events page. The Swedish Bioinformatics Advisory Program PhD students get a senior bioinformatician as a personal advisor during 2 years of their PhD. Monthly project meetings + two grand meetings per year to aid networking and knowledge transfer.

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The conference will be held at Science for Life Laboratory, Stockholm, Sweden the 21st to 23rd of August 2014.The PRIB precedes the ICPR, which will be held at a different location in Stockholm in August.Check out the detailed program and our keynote and tutorial speakers through the menu above. The proceedings are now online via Lecture Notes in Computer Science, and some of the contribution Education that enables the science of the future Courses and workshops SciLifeLab offer educational courses and workshops for PhD students, postdocs, investigators and other employees within all Swedish universities. The courses and workshops cover … Bioinformatics Long-term Support WABI [Technology development] Bioinformatics Support, Infrastructure and Training [Technology development] Year 2015. PubMed DOI Crossref. Assessing the consistency of public human tissue RNA-seq data sets. Danielsson F, James T, Gomez-Cabrero D, Huss … Open Source at SciLifeLab. 64.

Lucie Rodriguez - Doctoral Student - Karolinska Institutet

NBIS is a distributed infrastructure with staff at six sites (Göteborg, Linköping, Lund, Stockholm, Uppsala, and Umeå), providing a range of services to support life sciences in Sweden, as summarized below.

Paco Cárdenas (Pharmacognosy) has been awarded SciLifeLab Bioinformatics Long-term Support (WABI) by the National Bioinformatics You are invited to apply to MedBioInfo, the National Graduate School in Medical Bioinformatics, established to provide advanced  Bioinformatics Platform, Systems Biology Facility at SciLifeLab (Science for Life Laboratory). SciLifeLab (Science for Life Laboratory)Stockholms universitet. SciLifeLab. jun 2019 – jan 2020 8 månader. Stockholm, Sweden.